Make your impact today.

Donations can also be made payable to Communities In Schools of Glynn County and mailed to P.O. Box 2318, Brunswick, GA 31521.

Venmo payments are accepted as well by sending to our account @CIS-Glynn38 or following the link here.

In addition to monetary donations, items that we are always in need of include:
- Backpacks
- General school supplies
- Non-perishable snacks
- Socks
- Underwear
- Coats
- Personal hygiene items.

100% of donations will go directly towards student support and are 100% tax deductible. CIS of Glynn County is a registered 501(c)(3) Tax ID 20-4477385.

Communities In Schools will not sell or trade a donor’s personal information to any other entity in existence. Communities In Schools and its Development Staff endorse the Donor Bill of Rights that was created by the American Association of Fund Raising Counsel (AAFRC), the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE).

The Annie Olsen Udell Fund

Annie Udell had a heart for children, especially for those underprivileged. She felt deeply and always rooted for the underdog. Friends describe her as kind, charming and funny, bringing laughs and smiles to whomever she was around. Annie was a happy, free-spirited, gracious person with a heart that loved unconditionally and aimed to give back.

Annie’s father, Kevin Udell, has been a contributor of Communities In Schools’ Goodyear Elementary School program through his efforts as a member of the Goodyear School Council. His strongest advocacy area has been with the LAPEL group of elementary students, which teaches how to live like a leader and be an example of good character to peers. LAPEL means to Lead, Achieve, Prepare, Excel, and Leave a Legacy.

Kevin and Goodyear site coordinator of CIS, LaTorey Thorpe, have worked with the students of LAPEL on various projects to demonstrate what it means to be a leader. Kevin and LaTorey discussed peer pressure with the students and how it can have lasting effects, both positive and negative. As a group, the LAPEL boys pledged to give praise rather than using “put downs.” Using balloons as an analogy, Kevin symbolized the balloon popping as someone using unkind words. The balloon could not be blown up again, showing students that “put downs” can result in damaging someone, and that damage can sometimes not be undone.

Kevin raised money for the LAPEL group and helped them to explore how they could Leave a Legacy. Their outcome: the LAPEL-managed school store. Kevin assisted the group to create a name, sales pitch, inventory, prices, and business hours, and the boys expressed their opinions on the benefit of having a school store. Through this process and their lessons in LAPEL, the students have learned what it means to be a leader and the daily work needed to leave a legacy.

CIS of Glynn prevents students from dropping out of school by surrounding them with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. Following this mission, CIS focuses on helping to increase graduation rates by providing services and support to enable students to overcome the challenges they face.

Annie loved her father’s involvement with the LAPEL group and CIS students. She loved the impact he and other volunteers and mentors make to children in Glynn County that need support and a caring adult to teach them those important life lessons, from how to manage peer pressure to how to tie a tie. Through Annie’s love for her father and her adoration for his philanthropic work, and through her grandfather, Dan Udell, and his wish to create a matching grant up to $5,000 initiated by his $2,500 donation to CIS of Glynn, Annie’s heart for underprivileged children will live on.

The Annie Fund will allow CIS to expand the LAPEL program at Goodyear Elementary School, as well as bring possibilities for LAPEL programs at other schools served by CIS.

Lead. Achieve. Prepare. Excel. Leave a Legacy. Annie showed her peers what it means to be a leader and will continue to Leave a Legacy through the Annie Olsen Udell Fund to Communities In Schools, thanks to the support of Udell family, friends of Annie, and donors to CIS of Glynn on behalf of Annie.

Here are the ways you can donate to the Annie Olsen Udell Fund:

- Paypal: Click Here
- Venmo @CIS-Glynn38
- Check payable to Communities In Schools of Glynn County and mailed to P.O. Box 2318, Brunswick, GA 31521